- For a Healthy Belgium
- Health Status
- News
- New COVID-19 pages!
- Mortality pages updated!
- Suicidal behaviours are concerning among young people
- Social and mental health have not improved in early 2021
- In 2018, there were 436 infant deaths registered in National register
- Life expectancy decreased with one year in 2020
- Social and mental health have improved mid 2021 but are still preoccupating
- No decrease of the cancer incidence in 2019
- The incidence rate of acute myocardial infarction increases with age and is higher in men in all age groups
- The one year decrease in life expectancy between 2019 and 2020 is mainly due to the contribution of people aged 60 years and over
- Districts disparities exist for most specific causes of death
- Social and mental health have improved in October 2021 but are still preoccupying
- Suicidal behaviours are concerning among young people
- Tumors and cardiovascular diseases are the main causes of deaths in 2018
- Inequalities are present in nearly all domains of health
- What is the health status of the Belgians?
- Infant mortality rate is stable in Belgium
- The Belgian burden of disease study now includes trends over time
- The first results of the Belgian burden of disease study are available
- In 2020, COVID-19 causes the highest disease burden in Belgium
- The total number of new HIV diagnoses has decreased further in 2020
- The number of Belgians with diabetes keeps rising
- The incidence of tuberculosis decreased further in 2020
- The number of confirmed suicide continues to decrease in 2019
- Tumours become the main cause of death in 2019
- Life expectancy at birth is 81.7 years in 2022
- Life expectancy in men reaches 80 years for the first time
- The life expectancy at birth is 81.7 years in Belgium
- Good fit between excess mortality and COVID-19 mortality data
- The impact of COVID-19 goes beyond sickness
- Fatigue and exhaustion are the most reported symptoms by the participants of the COVIMPACT study
- Although air quality is improving in Belgium, pollution levels are still dangerously high
- Women suffer more frequently from musculoskeletal disorders
- What is the state of women's health in Belgium?
- In 2020, 9400 deaths in Belgium were due to tobacco use
- Persons with a chronic disease have a lower health-related quality of life score
- Increase in new HIV infections in Belgians
- In 2021, mortality rates are still a bit higher than in 2019
- Tumours and cardiovascular diseases were the main groups of causes of (premature) death in 2021
- Tumours are the main cause of (premature) death in 2020
- During the year 2022, 4 977 people died from COVID-19, a decrease compared to previous years
- The number of registered new cancer cases has dropped from 71,651 in 2019 to 68,782 in 2020
- People affected by overweight and obesity have higher healthcare costs
- More Belgians will likely suffer from overweight in the future
- Decrease in the infant mortality rate in 2020
- There is no increase in the suicide rate in 2020
- Suicide mortality rates continue to decrease but stay worrying
- The incidence of tuberculosis remained low in 2021
- Without action plans for a Tobacco Free Generation by 2040 go up in smoke
- Adolescent mental health tends to deteriorate with age
- The (premature) mortality rate is higher for men in 2022
- Daily smoking among adolescents declined between 2006 and 2018
- Healthcare costs attributable to low back pain amount to 2.3 billion euros annually
- In 2022, the number of new HIV diagnoses increased
- In 2021, 465,000 people are living with a form of cancer in Belgium
- The infant mortality rate continued to decrease in 2021
- Webinar Recap: Exploring the New Belgian Index of Multiple Deprivation (BIMD)
- Gains in reducing disease burden slowed down by increased morbidity
- Most cases of tuberculosis are reported in big cities, with Brussels reporting the highest incidence in 2022
- The number of Belgians with diabetes keeps rising
- After rising during the COVID-19 pandemic, mortality rates in 2023 have dropped below 2019 levels
- Men suffer more frequently from a stroke
- COVID-19 crisis
- Life Expectancy and Quality of Life
- Mortality and Causes of Death
- Burden of Disease
- Diseases
- Mental health
- Determinants of Health
- Health inequalities
- Cost of illness
- Technical background
- Infectious Diseases
- Factsheets
- Atlas of mortality by cause of death by district, 2003-2017
- Cost of overweight and obesity
- Past, present, and future trends of overweight and obesity in Belgium
- Tobacco control policies are needed to change smoking trends
- Ad hoc surveillance of COVID-19 mortality, 2020-2022
- No evidence of stalling life expectancy in Belgium, 1997-2018
- Health-related quality of life in chronic diseases in Belgium
- Excess mortality during the COVID-19 crisis in 2020
- COVID-19 impact
- Women's Health
- Cost of Illness
- Life Expectancy and Quality of Life
- Mortality and Causes of Death
- Non-Communicable Diseases
- Determinants of Health
- Health Inequalities
- About the Health Status Report
- Burden of Disease
- Communicable Diseases
- Factsheets
- Mental Health
- News
- Health System Performance Assessment
- News
- Accessibility of care
- Quality of healthcare
- Sustainability of the health system
- Efficiency of healthcare
- Equity and inequalities
- Specific domains of care
- Sustainability of the health system
- Equity and inequalities in healthcare
- Quality of healthcare
- Accessibility of healthcare
- Specific domains of healthcare
- Efficiency of healthcare
- Why measure the performance of the Belgian health system?
- Resilience
- Medical Practice Variations
- News
- Updating reports
- 2019 reports update: 200 reports now on line
- A very particular year, the tools are sharpening and the horizon is broadening
- Variations in outpatient drug consumption
- 2021 is online!
- Enriching and broadening the analyses of drug consumption
- Analyses are updated...
- New chapter on health professionals (beta version)
- Further expansion of medication analyses
- Why the "practice variations" ?
- Overall context of practice variations
- Nervous system
- Sensory system
- Eyes
- Vitrectomy
- Eye muscle surgery
- Angiography of the retina
- Ocular biometrics
- Blepharochalasis
- Endothelial cell counting
- Ocular tonometry
- Intravitreal injection
- Keratometry
- Ophthalmoscopy - Fundoscopy
- Ophthalmoscopy - Anterior segment
- Visual field test
- Panretinal photocoagulation
- Visual evoked potentials
- Refractometry
- Ocular motility test
- Cataract surgery
- Glaucoma surgery
- Ears
- Eyes
- Ears
- Eyes
- Respiratory system
- Digestive system
- Mouth, jaw & teeth
- Gingivectomy
- Surgery for paradental cysts
- Oral osteitis curettage
- Frenectomy
- Incision of abscess of dental origin
- Trepanation of jawbone
- Osteotomy with displacement of jawbone
- Periodontal examination (18-55 years)
- Preventive dental care
- Preformed crowns
- Endodontics
- Orthodontic treatment
- Removable dental prosthesis
- Filling of dental cavities
- Dental imaging
- Dental extraction
- Periodontal index (DPSI)
- Gastrointestinal
- Hepatobiliary
- Unspecified
- Global functions
- Global functions
- Unspecified
- Hepatobiliary
- Gastrointestinal
- Mouth, jaw & teeth
- Mouth, jaw & teeth
- Urinary system
- Cutaneous system
- Men
- Women and pregnancy
- Blood and immune system
- Cardiovascular system
- Musculoskeletal system
- Endocrine system
- Cross-system services
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultations
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Surgeons)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Plastic surgeons)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Dermatologists)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Gastroenterologists)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Endocrinologists)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (GPs)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Geriatricians)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Gynaecologists)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Hematologists)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Neurosurgeons)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Oncologists)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (ENT)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Orthopaedists)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Pneumologists)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Radiologists)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Stomatologists)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Urologists)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation - 1st meeting
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation - Patient information
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (Radiotherapists)
- Outpatient pediatric consultation
- Pediatric intravenous infusion
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation
- Reference pharmacist function
- Radiotherapy
- Admission to emergency room
- Consultations and visits in general practice
- Insertion of a port-a-cath
- Outpatient multidisciplinary geriatric evaluation
- Palliative care at home
- Patient file's global management
- PET-Scan
- Contacts in general medicine
- Hospital stays (based on imaging package)
- Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultations
- Medications
- Alimentary tract & Metabolism
- Blood & Blood forming organs
- Cardiovascular system
- Systemic hormonal preparations
- Antiinfectives for systemic use
- Antibiotics - General medicine
- Antibiotics - Paediatrics
- Antibiotics - Gynaecology
- Antibiotics - Internal medicine
- Antibiotics - Gastroenterology
- Antibiotics - Pneumology
- Antibiotics - Surgery
- Antibiotics - Urology
- Antibiotics - Plastic surgery
- Antibiotics - Dentistry
- Antibiotics - Periodontology
- Antibiotics - All prescribers
- Antibiotics (Amoxicillin) - All prescribers
- Musculo-skeletal system
- Nervous system
- Respiratory system
- Sensory organs
- Immunity
- Cross-system analyses
- Polypharmacy (65 years and older)
- Anticholinergics (65 years and older)
- General medicine
- Paediatrics
- Neuropediatrics
- Psychiatry
- General internal medicine
- Geriatrics
- Endocrinology
- Oncology
- Haematology
- Rheumatology
- Pneumology
- Gastroenterology
- Cardiology
- Neurology
- Physical medicine
- Dermatology
- Radiotherapy
- Biology
- Anatomopathology
- Radiology
- Nuclear medicine
- Anaesthesiology
- Acute medicine
- General surgery
- Orthopaedics
- Urology
- Neurosurgery
- Plastic surgery
- Ophthalmology
- Stomatology
- Gynaecology
- General dentistry
- Periodontology
- Orthodontics
- Alimentary tract & Metabolism
- Blood & blood forming organs
- Cardiovascular system
- Systemic hormonal preparations
- Antiinfectives for systemic use
- Musculo-skeletal system
- Cross-system analyses
- Nervous system
- Respiratory system
- Immunity
- Sensory organs
- Nervous system
- Overall context of practice variations
- Sensory system
- Cardiovascular system
- Respiratory system
- Musculoskeletal system
- Cutaneous system
- Digestive system
- Urinary system
- Men
- Women and pregnancy
- Medications
- Blood and immune system
- Endocrine system
- Cross-system services
- Why the "practice variations" ?
- News
- Key data in healthcare
- News
- Algemene ziekenhuizen
- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg
- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg voor volwassenen
- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg voor kinderen en jongeren
- Kwaliteit & innovatie
- Blikvanger PDF
- Key data: Mental healthcare
- Conclusion
- Foreword
- Mental healthcare for adults
- Mental healthcare for children and adolescents
- Mental healthcare reform initiatives
- Quality and innovation
- Dringende, medische en psychosociale hulpverlening
- Organisatie
- Via een 112-oproep naar een ziekenhuis: zorgproces voor een individu
- Wat als iedereen tegelijk hulp nodig heeft: zorgproces in geval van een ramp
- The number 1733
- Via a 112 call to a hospital: care process for an individual
- What if everyone needs help at the same time: care process in the event of a disaster
- Activiteit
- Kwaliteit
- Protocollen en leidraden
- Adviesorganen binnen de dringende hulpverlening
- Verplichte kenmerken ziekenwagens en interventiekledij
- Activiteits- en kwaliteitsopvolging
- Protocols and guidelines
- Advisory bodies within emergency assistance
- Mandatory features of ambulances and intervention clothing
- Activity and quality monitoring
- Blikvanger PDF
- Download
- Funding
- Preface
- Quality
- Activity
- Organisation
- Organisatie
- Gezondheidszorgberoepen
- COVID 19
- Organisatie
- Overlegorganen en crisiscellen
- Centra opgericht in functie van het beheersen van de COVID-19-pandemie
- Vrijwaren van capaciteit binnen de algemene en universitaire ziekenhuizen
- Consultative bodies and crisis units
- Centres set up to control the COVID-19 pandemic
- Online health website mijngezondheid.be
- Maintaining capacity within general and university hospitals
- Zorgactiviteit
- Financiering
- Kwaliteit
- Verdeling van het beschermingsmateriaal aan gezondheidszorgbeoefenaars werkzaam in de ambulante sector
- Support for psychosocial well-being
- Belgian manual for medical regulation
- Distribution of protective equipment to healthcare professionals working in the outpatient sector
- Ensuring nursing care
- Support with testing and vaccination by pharmacists
- Temporary increase in the number of laboratory workers
- Hospital Outbreak Support Team
- Blikvanger PDF
- Download
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Organisation
- Care activity
- Funding
- Quality
- Organisatie
- Mental Healthcare
- Healthcare professionals
- Emergency, medical and psychosocial assistance
- General hospitals
- COVID 19
- Mental Healthcare OLD
- Key data: Mental healthcare
- Introduction
- Mental Healthcare for adults
- Mental Healthcare for children and young people
- Initiatives regarding alternatives to hospitalisation
- Financing of psychiatric hospitals
- Staff in psychiatric hospitals
- Forensic care
- Care for addiction
- Organisation of the care offering for adults
- Hospital activities in PH and PDGH for adults
- The most common primary diagnosis in PH and PDGH for adults
- Patient flows in PH and PDGH
- Organisation of the care offering for children and young people
- Hospital activities in PH and PDGH for children and young people
- Decommissioning or freezing of beds
- First-line psychological function (FLP)
- Internment
- Specialised care for young people with psychiatric problems who are subject to a court order (For K)
- Treatment Demand Indicator (TDI)
- Substance abuse crisis units
- "Drugs and detention" Pilot project
- BelPEP (Belgian Psychotropics Experts Platform)
- Download the full report in PDF here
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Organisation
- Care activity
- Funding
- Quality
- Download the full report in PDF here
- Belgian Health System
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